Friday, August 3, 2012

Dr. Paul Frymoyer: A children's doctor

Dr. Paul Frymoyer appears to have a soft spot for children. The Manlius, New York-based physician specializes in pediatric nephrology, the study of renal disorders among children. Because the kidneys work as a filter for the body, it is imperative that they work well in children. Kidney problems diagnosed in children are often more traumatic to the body than in adults, as younger bodies, while stronger, are not yet fully capable of repair and regeneration.

Paul Frymoyer. Image credit:

Disorders in organs of the body inadvertently affect other parts of the body. General nephrology necessitates an understanding of internal medicine, or diseases in adults, thus requiring, on the doctor’s part, an in-depth understanding of diseases affecting both children and adults. Dr. Paul Frymoyer has put this specialization to good use when he visited the African country of Malawi, where adults and children alike are afflicted with the most serious illnesses known.

Paul Frymoyer. Image credit:

The physician travelled with his wife to the impoverished continent for two purposes -- to practice medicine in the capital’s hospitals and to immerse themselves in the local culture. The doctor’s first stop was the Crisis Nursery in Lilongwe, Malawi’s capital. He marvelled at how, despite very limited resources and in the absence of state-of-the-art facilities, all the children in the hospital, including the 22 orphans left there, appeared to be well-cared for and comfortable.

Paul Frymoyer. Image credit:

Later in his trip, Dr. Frymoyer visited two hospitals in the brush, where hundreds upon hundreds of patients came to avail of his team’s services. A good number of them were children, all afflicted with malaria, diarrhea, parasitic infections, and HIV.  

For more information about Dr. Paul Frymoyer’s work with children, visit this Facebook page.

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